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--two time Guggenheim and three-time Prix de Rome winner, John Eaton



"a unique musical voice, the most original of her generation"

 --Robert Dick, flutist and composer, Guggenheim, National Flute Association Lifetime Achievement Award



"treats multiphonics as though they are notes that have a tone and that tone can be worked on"  

--Nick Nelson, Brooklyn Conservatory faculty


"McAlvin is a clever composer who skillfully adapts the serial technique to tell a story of illusion,      erosion and feeling exposed. Throughout the composition, the row becomes dismantled and recombined reappearing in each movement in various guises and instrumental textures. The effect is one of fantasy and vulnerability."

--in WilmINgton, Sandstone Peak


"makes multiphonics sound appealing, expressive, and musical" 

--Jerrold Pritcher, Professor Emeritus, California State University, San Bernadino

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